Senpai SAMI
Senpai Sami started his adventurous Kyokushin Karate journey back in 2003 at Seven Sisters Kyokushin Dojo under Shihan Cyril Andrews. He fell in love with the beauty of Kyokushin Karate and it instantly became his hobby & part of his lifestyle. With over 20 years of experience in Kyokushin Karate, Senpai Sami is one of our highly experienced instructors. He has attended many National and international camps and tournaments where he gained knowledge and skills that he passes to our team. His main motivations to chase excellence in combat sports have come from his study of the philosophy of the Martial Way and Kyokushin Budo and his desire to become the best version of himself in every aspect of life.
He created a Facebook page called “1 kyokushin”, which soon became one of the biggest and most respected in the Karate Kyokushin online community.
Senpai Sami is a 1st degree black belt under Shihan Judd Reid and Sensei Simeon. His true passion is to help other martial arts academies by promoting them on his social media platform.