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The most advanced karate kyokushin app in the world


After two years of hard work, we are pleased to announce the launch of our very own award-winning Karate Kyokushin app –the most complete on the market. . The app contains everything students need to know in order to prepare for Belt exams and not only.

Over 600 exclusive video tutorials

There are over 600 professional videos tutorials that include fight techniques, breakdown of movements, training videos, complete set of kata videos with explanation and tips, kihon videos, complete set of all kicks, punches and blocks, HIIT workouts, complete seminars, Nutrition advice and lots more. Use the newsfeed to create posts and interact with other team members.

Train from anywhere

Start practising karate from the comfort of your home or your hotel room while on a holiday or a business trip. With the slow-motion option of every video, you can slow the speed of tutorials in order to get a better understanding of the required technique. Detailed instructions and high-quality lessons are available for both beginners and experts.

The karate lessons consist of videos demonstrating how to do basic footwork, blocks and counter techniques. You can up your game by learning kata and kumite,which refers to form and sparring. Whether you want to do extra training between your dojo sessions, refresh your skills or interact with your teammates, our app is the answer to it all.

Download our app

The most advanced karate kyokushin app in the world