We had the distinct privilege of hosting the renowned Sensei Jonathan Tineo, a multiple-time World and European Karate Kyokushin Champion, for an exceptional seminar on March 31st, 2023. The seminar was a resounding success, with over 70 participants from various parts of the world. Notable guests included Shihan David Pickhal, the World IFK President, and Senseis Emma Markwell, Hayley Rowlands, Blake Colins, and Catalina Rivera, all of whom have an impressive track record in the field of karate. In addition, professional fighters from as far afield as the United States and Spain graced us with their presence.
Sensei Tineo’s focus during the session was on teaching explosive fighting techniques and the importance of surprising opponents while remaining relaxed during combat. He also highlighted the power of a simple leg switch and demonstrated many variations of the technique that can be applied from different angles and reaches. Each technique was explained in a detailed yet practical manner that even beginners could grasp.
The seminar culminated in 30 rounds of sparring, allowing participants to apply what they had learned and exchange ideas and experiences. It was a memorable evening of karate celebration, with the unique distinction of having four World Champions in attendance. The event was a fantastic opportunity for all attendees to learn and have a great time, and they left with sweat-drenched Gis and beaming smiles.
After the seminar, we continued our tradition of a celebration dinner at a local pub, where all participants came together for a delicious meal and fun. The power of karate unites us as a family, and we are honored to have hosted such an event.
– World Kyokushin Champion
– European Kyokushin Champion
– Spanish Kyokushin Champion